Angel Fish

Angel Fish Angel Fish

Angel Fish

Angelfish Are Rewarding Species for Hobbyists. Give them as large a tank as you possibly can, keep their water very clean, and feed them a carnivorous diet. If you can do that, you will raise your juvenile angels up to become amazingly impressive adults Angel Fish.

Angel Fish

Here at Annerley Aquarium we stock a range of beautiful Angel Fish for you to choose with expert advice.

Angel Fish
angel FISH

Angelfish are good for beginners because it is a relatively hardy fish.

Angel Fish

Angelfish usually like the plants that are tall growing and has wide for long leaves.


Angelfish are a good fish to keep in an aquarium at home. Once you set up the proper environment, caring for them is fairly easy. You need to make sure the tank is at the proper temperature and pH level. From there, feed your angelfish a healthy diet and clean the tank regularly.

Angel Fish Angel Fish

Do angelfish like light? It is not absence absolutely necessary to have a light in an angel fish tank. But if you are going to keep your angelfish tank in a shady area then you should add light into your tank to emulate the night and day cycle.

Angel Fish Angel Fish

Angel Fish

Angelfish are one of the most commonly kept freshwater aquarium fish, as well as the most commonly kept cichlid. They are praised for their unique shape, color, and behavior.

Call 3397 6266.

Annerley Aquarium. 135 Old Cleveland Road, Greenslopes, Queensland 4151.

Angelfish are kept in a warm aquarium, ideally around 80 F (27 C). Though angelfish are members of the cichlid family, they are generally peaceful when not mating.

Angel Fish at Annerley Aquarium

Freshwater Angelfish with quality genetics are known to live more than 10 years (approximately 12 years) in captivity, if the ideal living conditions are provided.

Freshwater angelfish are one of the most common and popular aquarium fish in the hobby. You only have to look at them to see why! These beautiful fish for freshwater aquariums have a distinctive body shape and great colors and markings.


Angelfish are a very popular fish because of their long and majestic fins, spirited personalities, and ease of breeding.

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3397 6266

Angel Fish