Annerley Aquarium
Annerley Aquarium specialises in rare and unusual fish and carries an extensive range of African and American Cichlids, Exotic Tropical fish, Goldfish, and fish from all over the world. We also stock a myriad of quality equipment and accessories from traditional tanks to the very latest in fish keeping technology from the four corners of the globe. As a family business, Annerley Aquarium employs only experienced aquarists, so you can trust that you are getting the best information available. Visit us at 135 Old Cleveland Road, Greenslopes, Queensland 4151. Call Annerley Aquarium on on 3397 6266.

We aim to please, so come in for a chat with one of our specialists or enjoy some fish watching!

Our aim is to provide you with friendly, professional service, quality equipment and the correct advice.

We are located at 135 Old Cleveland Road, Greenslopes, Queensland 4151
Annerley Aquarium Gallery

Our Range Of Fish
Here at Annerley Aquarium, we stock a Huge range of Freshwater Fish from all corners of the globe, specialising in African Cichlids, Bettas and Discus Fish, Exotic Goldfish, Tropical/Cold Water, Walking Fish, American Cichlids, Siamese Fighter Fish, Rainbow Fish and Cichlid Varieties.
Discus Fish

Discus fish originate from the Amazon region. They Inhabit Lakes, smaller rivers and streams. We have a large variety of Discus fish and are able to offer you expert advice on discus fish.
American Cichlids

American cichlids can be categorized into a few different families, South American, Central American and Dwarf Cichlids, all of these fish are quite interesting in their own manner.
Tropical Fish

If your looking for Tropical Fish can visit us here at Annerley Aquarium for a full range of Tropical fish to choose from.
Siamese Fighter Fish


Goldfish are a good fish for the newbie fish hobbyist who is wanting an Aquatic pet. There are over 100 goldfish varieties available. Goldfish are a popular fish that bring food fortune.

Axolotls range in length from 6 to 18 inches as a mature adult and have many features of a salamander including external gills, which are generally lost when salamanders reach adulthood.
African Cichlids

African cichlids are adored for their striking beautiful colouration and attitude. They are very hardy fish, which makes them a perfect fit.
Rainbow Fish

Tetra Fish

Tetras are a well suited fish to most Tropical Aquariums, normally housing small to medium fish. Tetras will benefit from being in a small/large group, more then 5 fish. Tetras have fantastic Colouring.

Guppies are a well known ornamental Tropical fish that is wide spread in the industry. They are known to have strikingly beautiful colorations. Guppies are a small fish so better suited to smaller Tropical Aquariums or Nano Aquariums.
Angel Fish

Angelfish are a well sought after Tropical Fish in the aquarium hobby, due to their uncharacteristic body shape, making them a unique addiction to most Home Aquariums. Angel are not very fussy eaters, they will go for mostly anything from Flakes, Pellets, Frozen and Live foods when available. They will most always prefer larger aquariums.
Exotic Chinese Goldfish


There are many species and colour morphs of Corydoras who are type of a bottom feeding catfish that like to be kept in groups of at least 5. C. Aracuatus are native to the floodplains and streams of the Amazon Basin. They grow to be about 5cm long and are a great tank mate for peaceful tropical communities with tetra species.